Better Health
The Shinsei mission is to “promote better health, a more positive outlook and higher quality of life through physical exercise, mental focus, personal responsibility and service to others”. As human beings we only get one body and one mind. How we take care of them pretty much dictates what kind of life we can look forward to.
As our lives evolve through their different stages from beginning to end, we discover that change is a central constant that is continuous throughout each phase. How we approach and handle these changes has a great influence on the type of person we become and the quality of life we lead. The stronger we are in body and mind, the better able we are to deal with the vagaries life throws at us as we encounter them.
Better health is not rocket science. Broken down and simplified it only has three parts; exercise, nutrition and rest, that’s it. Let’s examine each of these in turn before we connect it back into our mission statement.
The human body was made to move. Each move we make has a ripple effect that permeates our entire being – body, mind, and soul. Haven’t you ever noticed that sometimes, when you moved easily and comfortably in a certain way, that it gives you a really good feeling? In Shinsei terminology, the body includes the external structure, the internal structure, and the mind